Stitches Norton Winery

A campaign by Frank

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    Raised of $125,000
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  • Contribute $25 or more

    Limited to 2000 Contributors

    25% off all case orders for life, with free shipping(except where prohibited). 35% off all purchases made at the winery in Virginia.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $50 or more

    Limited to 1000 Contributors

    50% off all case purchases with free shipping (where available). Advance notification of limited release vintages and prepurchase opportunities for life.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $100 or more

    Limited to 100 Contributors

    Same as $50 contribution, plus limited edition souvenir set including two bottles of vintage Norton wines, two custom Riedel Norton Wine glasses, and two commemorative Polo shirts.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
Stitches Norton Winery
  • Project Type: SYOP - Replace old equipment with new EE motors, pumps and compressors. Includes upgrading chilling system, lighting and other electrical.
    • Industry: Winery
    • Funding Need: $125,000
    • Year Established: 1983
    • Annual Production: 120,000 cases
    • Time needed for work to be completed: 6 months
    • Repayment of Loan Term: 5 years
    • Utility Company or ESCO: Mondre Energy

Project Summary:
Stitches has engaged Mondre Energy to do the work based on an energy audit completed by Antea Group. The work focuses on improving the efficiency of the equipment used to run the winery during all phases of the wine making process. Our winery is 40 years old, and some of our equipment has been here since day one. Technology enables us to realize significant savings, and we expect even better wine as a result.

The project scope includes:

  • Replacement of all none EE or Energy Star equipment and installation of an energy management system to enable real time oversight and control over energy use.

Expected Results:
- Percent of energy use reduction: 55%

Our Story:
Located in the historic Virginia countryside, just an hour from Washington DC, Stitches Norton Winery is dedicated to reintroducing the Norton grape to global wine drinkers. The wines made from Norton won awards in Europe in 1873 during the Vienna Universal Exhibition, but were mostly lost due to prohibition.

Stitches Wines:
100% Norton - Barrel aged for two years before bottling. Will improve with age.
50/50 - Norton and Cabernet blend. Our biggest wine, earthy, full bodied, and warming.
Stitches Five - a blend of Norton, Cabernet Franc, Pinot, Cabernet Savignon and Merlot - A big, complex red.
100% Norton Blush - we don't let the wine sit on the skins for long, just enough to give this rose and crisp, fruity and complex finish.