Overland Brewery and Public House

A campaign by Frank

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    Raised of $95,000
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  • Contribute $25 or more

    Limited to 2000 Contributors

    25% off dinner with free beer sampler.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $75 or more

    Limited to 1000 Contributors

    50% off dinner and free beer sampler.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $150 or more

    Limited to 25 Contributors

    50% off all purchases at the brewery, plus invitations and free admission to all beer release parties and annual celebrations.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $500 or more

    Limited to 10 Contributors

    Same as $150, plus dinner with the brewer and chef for a party of 6.

    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
Overland Brewery and Public House
  • Project Type: ESPC
    • Industry: Brewpub
    • Funding Need: $95,000
    • Year Established: 1995
    • Brewhouse size: 15 bbl
    • Restaurant Capacity: 225 people
    • Time needed for work to be completed: 6 months
    • Repayment of Loan Term: 5 years
    • Utility Company or ESCO: Mondre Energy/PGE

Project Summary:
Overland has hired Mondre Energy and PGE to do a comprehensive building retrofit and energy efficiency equipment upgrade, and waste water treatment, to maximize savings opportunities in both the brewery and restaurant.

The project scope includes:

  • Install fast acting door on storage cooler and motion senors and LED lighting.
  • Boiler condensate return, boiler combustion fan upgrade, and use of sub-metering at critical control points
  • Kitchen appliance and equipment upgrade - Energy Star equipment and staff training on sustainability.
  • Insulation, window tinting, and other building improvements to reduce energy waste.

Expected Results:

  • Energy Cost Reduction: 35%
  • Water Waste Reduction: 15%
  • Natural Gas Cost Reduction: 45%

Completing the whole project will enable Overland to realize over $50,000 in cost avoidance/savings annually, with almost half of that coming from natural gas savings. Improved energy efficiency provides a significant reduction in energy waste, helping lower our carbon footprint by over 60% by the end of the first year.

Our Story:
Overland Breweries and Public Houses are family friendly brewpubs in the in the Seattle Area. Established in 1995, we have always been focused on making excellent beer, offering great food in a friendly and welcoming environment. Now, we have three neighborhood locations. Check out our award winning beers and tasty food, and help us go green.